
Friday Aug 09, 2024
S4 Ep26: Regular cattle market update, with Matt Dalgleish and Chris Howie
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Today's Weekly Grill podcast continues our occasional markets series, with host Kerry Lonergan talking with regular markets commentators RMA's Chris Howie and Ep3's Matt Dalgleish.
The looming impact of the US drought on global beef demand over the next two years out of the US and other countries is one of the key focuses in today's update.
Slaughter and store cattle supply and demand heading into spring could produce some surprises, the pair suggest
The Weekly Grill is brought to readers and listeners by Rhinogard by Zoetis.

Friday Aug 02, 2024
S4 Ep 25: US low-n-slow barbecue legend, Phil Breeden
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Competitive Texas BBQ smoker cooking is a huge activity in the United States, and one of the best in the business - Phil Breeden - is in Australia at present, competing in a local competition, delivering master-classes and checking out the Australian Texas BBQ scene.
Phil has been involved in competitive BBQ events in the US and Canada since 2015, and is now full-time professional competitor, having competed in 167 sanctioned US competitions, earning 16 grand championships and 19 reserves to date. Along with fellow Texan BBQ competitor Bill Purvis, Phil is visiting Australia as a guest of the Australian BBQ Alliance.
He caught up with Weekly Grill podcast host Kerry Lonergan during his visit.
The Weekly Grill is brought to readers and listeners by Rhinogard by Zoetis.

Friday Jul 26, 2024
S4 Ep 24: Livestock methane researcher, Fran Cowley
Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
This week's Weekly Grill podcast is a conversation with livestock scientist Fran Cowley from the University of New England, whose current work focusses on managing and mitigating livestock methane emissions.
Associate Professor in livestock production at UNE, her current work includes looking for better ways to predict emissions from feedlot cattle. A lot of this was a future-proofing exercise – providing support to grain feeding being a method of reducing the carbon footprint of beef.
“The feedlot industry is an important way that we can work towards a carbon-neutral food production system,” she said.
“In the future, it’s highly likely that we will see an environment where there will be a price on market access on carbon. Being able to have a more accurate and lower estimate of the emissions and carbon footprint of feedlots is going to ease potential issues accessing markets that require no or low emission product,” she said.
Prof Cowley reinforced the importance of producers continuing to adopt best practices, with research reinforcing the importance of feeding more efficiently and making sure that every mouthful of feed that cattle are consuming is being turned into more beef.
The Weekly Grill is brought to readers and listeners by Rhinogard by Zoetis.

Friday Jul 19, 2024
S4 Ep 23: Queensland lotfeeder, Charlie Mort
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
In this week's Weekly Grill podcast, host Kerry Lonergan turns up the heat on Queensland lotfeeder Charlie Mort, principal of Mort & Co.
The pair discuss the changing Australian feedlot environment, plans for the construction of Mort & Co's new Central Queensland feedlot near Gogango, market demand for grainfed beef and other topics.
The Weekly Grill is brought to readers and listeners by Rhinogard by Zoetis.

Friday Jul 05, 2024
S4 Ep 22: Author, Jack Owen, on what defines successful farmers
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Jack Owen is a Victorian sheep-meat producer who used to spend hours thinking about what his neighbours were doing and how successful they were – until he decided to stop thinking and do something about it – so he interviewed over 200 successful farmers and graziers and made notes on how they operated and why they there successful.
The result is his personal improvement book, 'You Are Not Your Farm - What the top 5pc of farmers are doing that the average farmer is not.'
His work takes a broad sweep of common farming practices – and personal likes and dislikes among the primary producers he spoke to, which contribute to ongoing success.
Much of this is self-evident, but there’s also thought-provoking assessments which will challenge our everyday habits, he tells Weekly Grill podcast host Kerry Lonergan.
His book is available from the Amazon books website.

Friday Jun 28, 2024
S4 Ep 21: Australian Wagyu Association CEO, Matt McDonagh
Friday Jun 28, 2024
Friday Jun 28, 2024
In this week’s Weekly Grill podcast, host Kerry Lonergan turns up the heat on Wagyu boss Matt McDonagh, discussing the opportunities and challenges facing the Wagyu industry in Australia, where breeders are placing their genetic selection emphasis, and the impact as greater numbers of Wagyu feeders occupy valuable pen space for long periods in Australian feedlots.

Friday Jun 21, 2024
S4 Ep 20: New National Cattle Vets Association president Craig Wood
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Victorian veterinarian Dr Craig Wood is the new president of the Australian Cattle Vets, a special interst group of the Australian Veterinarians Association.
A cattle specialist at Mortlake Vet Clinic, Dr Wood succeeds Broome WA vet, Dr Tracy Sullivan as ACV president.
In a wide ranging discussion, Weekly Grill host Kerry Lonergan chats with Dr Wood about the role vets would play in any exotic disease incursion in Australia, the current level of risk from LSD and FMD from nearby Indonesia, and the challenges in attracting young veterinarians to work in the bush.
The Australian Cattle Vets members provide crucial services to agricultural producers who feed the country, playing key roles in disease surveillance, securing the nation’s quarantine status and protecting ongoing productivity. Members also have a significant responsibility in managing and maintaining animal welfare.
The ACV is one of the AVA's largest special interest groups, with 1100 members across Australia. Members come from private practice, government departments including agriculture and quarantine services, research, and animal health companies. The ACV has representation on Cattle Australia, with which it has associate membership, and works closely with other cattle industry bodies.
The Weekly Grill is brought to readers and listeners by Elders and Rhinogard by Zoetis.

Friday Jun 14, 2024
Friday Jun 14, 2024
Fifth generation retail butcher Michael James operates a successful retail site at the inner southeastern Brisbane suburb of Carina. He also represents independent retailers on the board of the Australian Meat Industry Council.
In this Weekly Grill episode, Michael speaks with host Kerry Lonergan about the current domestic retail beef trading environment, where consumers face considerable cost of living presses and time constraints.
Are customers shifting out of steak into mince, or out of beef into cheaper chicken and pork? How are modern independent butchers countering the challenge of the dominant national supermarket meat retailers?
The Weekly Grill is brought to readers and listeners by Elders and Rhinogard by Zoetis.

Friday Jun 07, 2024
S4 Ep18: Regular cattle market update, with Matt Dalgleish and Chris Howie
Friday Jun 07, 2024
Friday Jun 07, 2024
Today's Weekly Grill podcast continues our occasional markets series, with host Kerry Lonergan talking with regular markets commentators RMA's Chris Howie and Ep3's Matt Dalgleish.
The looming impact of the US drought on global beef demand over the next two years out of the US and other countries is one of the key focuses in today's update.
Slaughter and store cattle supply and demand heading into winter could produce some surprises, the pair suggest
The Weekly Grill is brought to readers and listeners by Elders and Rhinogard by Zoetis.

Friday May 31, 2024
S4 Ep17: MDH's Julie McDonald
Friday May 31, 2024
Friday May 31, 2024
Carbon, industry advocacy and greater need for education in agriculture came into focus during Weekly Grill podcast host, Kerry’s Lonergan’s lengthy chat this week with large scale Queensland beef producer MDH’s Julie McDonald.
Julie wears many hats within the family-owned MDH cattle business. In addition to providing an update on MDH’s cattle operations spread across 14 properties in North, Central and southern Queensland totalling some 3.4 million hectares, she shares her thoughts on carbon – saying while its represents an opportunity for the industry, there is still a lot of work to be done.
Julie said it was important for the industry to have government understanding of the difference between carbon and methane. Carbon and the associated impositions on the beef industry needed to be carefully thought out, and agriculture needs to be weary that it is not simply burdened by additional costs.
MDH is using AgForce’s carbon assessment tool AgCare, and is very happy with it, she says in this week’s Weekly Grill.
The Weekly Grill is brought to readers and listeners by Elders and Rhinogard by Zoetis.